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Proudly serving  the workplace learning professionals of Rhode Island and the surrounding communities for 45 years.

Board roles and descriptions


Manage the Bay Colonies Chapter

      • Set the vision for the year and guide Vice Presidents to meet the annual strategic priorities, goals and initiatives set by the Board.
      • Lead the Chapter toward fiscal soundness, professional development, and active membership and monitor all aspects of ATD Bay Colonies Chapter business.
      • Build relations between ATD National, the Bay Colonies Board, ATD New England Area Chapters, chapter members, volunteers, regional businesses & the local community.
      • Maintain 100% CARE compliance for ATD National.
      • Set the agenda and run the Board of Directors Meetings (approximately one per month).
      • Welcome people at chapter meetings, communicate with the membership and ensure that ATD Bay Colonies adapts to meet the needs and expectations of the Membership.
      • Procure gifts and write thank you cards for presenters.

Manage Succession Planning

Recruit and oversee a slate of Board Members who are:

        • Active and knowledgeable in the performance management/learning & development profession.
        • Willing to serve the Chapter in a leadership role for a minimum of 2 years.
        • Have a desire to advance the mission of the chapter through outreach, education and networking.
        • Willing and able to network, openly communicate, and work well with others.
        • Willing to balance work commitments with Board commitments to support the Chapter.
        • Willing to assist furthering the goals of the Chapter.
        • An active member of National ATD.

Build relationships with local organizations and key learning and development professionals

      • Be an ambassador for ATD and the Bay Colonies Chapter.
      • Help market ATD Bay Colonies Chapter.
      • Get to know and build relationships with local organizations and key leaders in the learning and development field.
      • Encourage organizations to support ATD and to encourage learning and development professionals to join the Chapter.
      • Maintain positive network relationships with our assigned NAC Advisor and the Chapter Resource Manager at ATD National.
      • Maintain positive network relationships and be willing to collaborate with chapter leaders in other ATD New England Area Chapters.



Prepare for assuming the role of Chapter President

      • Work with the President and Past President to learn the leadership and operations of the Chapter and be ready to assume the Presidency in the following fiscal year.
      • Assume or continue responsibility for a key aspect of running the chapter.
      • Get to know and work with each member of the Board of Directors to understand their roles and responsibilities.

Provide an independent assessment of the Chapter

      • Provide an independent assessment of the needs and expectations of the Chapter and make recommendations and suggestions to the President and Board of Directors.


Immediate Past President

Assist and advise the President and President-Elect

  • Assist and advise the President and President-Elect in the leadership of the chapter and the development of board members.
  • Provide a voice of experience, history, and networking to the President and Board of Directors.
  • Share knowledge and experience and help develop the President to more effectively lead the ATD Bay Colonies Chapter.
  • Help market and build awareness and support for the ATD Bay Colonies Chapter.

Oversee the Board of Directors Election Committee

  • Manage the nomination process and selection of the Chapter Board of Directors.

Manage Special Projects

  • Take on Special Projects as determined by the President and Board of Directors.
  • Help manage relations with local organizations and key learning and development professionals.
  • Make suggestions for Chapter meeting topics and presenters.

Coordinate Annual CARE Submission

  • Ensure all aspects of CARE submission are completed by due date.

Coach and Mentor New Board Members

  • Work with the board to ensure that successors for all board positions are identified.
  • Train, coach and mentor new board members in their new board role, as needed.


Vice President of Communication

Develop a communications plan

      • Plan and direct the activities of internal membership-driven communications including e-blasts, promotional materials, and special mailings/emails.
      • Enhance the image of ATD Bay Colonies Chapter by continually improving the graphics, formats and content of Chapter communications and media.

Develop Chapter meeting program e-blasts

      • Create and disseminate a series of engaging e-blasts to build awareness, interest and commitment to attend each Chapter meeting.

Be the central source for Chapter communications expertise

      • Help other Board Members enhance their communication and writing skills and be willing to help draft and format key Chapter communications.
      • Ensure Chapter communications are in accordance with ATD brand identity guidelines.


Vice President of Community Outreach

Manage the Chapter’s relationships with local partners

  • Serves as a liaison between community partners and the Chapter.
  • Seek relationships that will benefit both the Chapter and the community partner.
  • Enhance the Chapter’s presence in local communities.

Develop and manage the Chapter Volunteer Program

  • Promote Chapter Member involvement in volunteer positions, mentoring roles and special interest groups.
  • Assess Member Volunteers to ensure that the volunteer program is working effectively and take steps to continually improve the program.
  • Collaborate with Board Members to identify volunteer opportunities for members.
  • Support New Member Orientation and match member expertise with Chapter needs.
  • Solicit members for volunteer positions and committees to support Chapter activities.
  • Explore the interest in initiating a Chapter Mentoring program and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors.

Develop and manage a Volunteer Recognition Program

  • Establish and maintain a volunteer recognition program.
  • Ensure that volunteers are acknowledged and thanked at each Chapter event.


Vice President of Data & Analytics

Research, develop and facilitate the sourcing of new ideas and concepts for using data and analytics to deliver enhanced services to members.

Conduct and monitor annual needs assessment and satisfaction surveys

          • Analyze results of post-event assessment surveys; report survey results to the board. 
          • Assess Membership annually to ensure that we are meeting Member needs.
          • Work with Board of Directors to identify specific areas to explore in the annual assessment.
          • Solicit and manage a group of volunteers to help design surveys and analyze responses to develop conclusions and recommendations that will then be presented in report format to the Board of Directors.

Contribute toward chapter recruitment strategy

          • Partner with VP of Member Engagement to develop a Chapter recruitment strategy using analysis from surveys and feedback from members.

Analyze Chapter event attendance trends

          • Keep track of member and non-member attendance at programs throughout the year and report to board members.


Vice President of Finance

Plan and manage the Chapter’s finances

      • Contribute to overall strategic and program plans and initiatives for the Chapter.
      • Help plan, develop and maintain fiscally responsible annual operating budgets for the smooth operations of the Chapter. Ensure this budget is available for review by Chapter Members.
      • Help ensure that program and operational decisions are fiscally prudent and feasible.
      • Maintain all Chapter financial records.
      • Manage and monitor the Chapter checking and savings account.
      • Ensure that an annual internal or external financial review is completed by an individual or group not directly responsible for the management of the chapter finances.
      • Report to the Board on state of finances and develop and present the annual state of finance to the Board and members including documents for CARE.

Support Chapter Meeting Finances

      • Prior to each Chapter Meeting, review the Chapter PayPal account and update the participant registration roster in the Bay Colonies website to reflect who has paid in advance.
      • Deposit and maintain all Chapter membership dues and program and sponsorship fees.
      • Pay all obligations in a timely legal, ethical and proficient manner.
      • Oversee fundraising activities, as approved by the board.

Coordinate with the IRS

      • Ensure that the Chapter is current and compliant with our Not-For Profit Status IAW Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code.
      • Prepare and submit any documents required to keep us compliant with the IRS and state & local tax reporting requirements.
      • File IRS Form 990-N at the end of each fiscal year.


Vice President of Marketing

Create a Chapter Marketing Campaign

  • Create a marketing campaign to enhance the chapter’s image and position the chapter as a key performance management and learning & development resource to the local community.
  • Develop and maintain marketing, public relations and advertising plans to create awareness and recognition for ATD Bay Colonies Chapter.

Build relationships with key organizations and individuals

  • Develop relationships with talent development, learning and development and HR executives in major organizations in the area to build corporate support and sponsorship for ATD Bay Colonies Chapter.
  • Develop and maintain sponsor and recognition programs for local organizations.

Build external awareness for upcoming programs

  • Build and enhance the Chapter's presence on social media (i.e. LinkedIn).
  • Use social media to promote chapter events and initiatives.
  • Coordinate all external publicity to help create Chapter awareness and increase attendance at Chapter meetings.
  • Identify opportunities for organizations to sponsor upcoming programs.


Vice President of Member Engagement

Develop and maintain a Chapter recruitment strategy

  • Partner with VP of Data & Analytics to develop a Chapter recruitment strategy, determine membership needs, promote Chapter Involvement, deliver high quality member services, and provide orientation to new members.
  • Recommend initiatives to increase membership.

Orient New Members

  • Recruit new Members and follow-up on requests for membership information by communicating with prospective members, answering their questions, inviting them to attend Chapter meetings and encouraging them to join both ATD Bay Colonies Chapter and ATD National.
  • Develop and maintain a new member orientation, including a welcome packet of information.

Maintain Chapter Membership

  • Maintain current registrar of Chapter Members, status, and contact information.
  • Monitor ATD National Membership and ensure that it meets CORE standards.
  • Identify and follow up on members that do not renew their membership and encourage them to renew.
  • Contact Chapter Members to maintain their enrolled status and remind them to renew.
  • Contact former Chapter Members to determine reasons for leaving ATD Bay Colonies Chapter and make recommendations to the Board of Directors to help increase retention.


Vice President of Operations

Ensure that the documents of the Chapter are maintained

  • Create and distribute agendas for monthly board meetings, including handouts and status updates.
  • Ensure that minutes of board meetings are approved, maintained and posted on the Chapter website.
  • Manage the maintenance and upkeep of Chapter Management and Board Role Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

      Develop a consistent method for board status updates and project tracking

      • Work with the Chapter President to discuss projects with board members and remind them of due dates; including summer strategic planning meetings.
      • Work closely with the Chapter President and other board members to identify a consistent and comprehensive method for board members to provide monthly status updates.

        Develop the annual ATD Bay Colonies Chapter Operations Plan

        • Collaborate with chapter board members to update and document the annual operations plan in support of the chapter’s strategic plan.
        • Assist the Chapter President in submitting the operations plan to fulfill the annual ATD CARE requirement.

        Assist the President with the flow of information to and from the Board of Directors, and ATD National

        • Work closely with the Chapter President to determine the communications that need to be made to the board and ATD National.


        Vice President of Programs

        Understand the professional development and performance improvement needs of members and the business community

        • Work with the Vice President of Member Engagement to assess and understand the member needs and expectations regarding Chapter meeting topics and presentations that will be of the most interest.
        • Network with ATD National, other ATD New England Area Chapters and other sources to stay abreast of key trends and topics relevant to the learning professional.

        Organize and implement high value learning opportunities including bi-monthly programs, networking activities and specialized educational offerings

        • Plan professional development programs offered at Chapter bi-monthly meetings - September to June (6 programs minimum).
        • Contact and book presenters/educational programs.
        • Communicate program and presenter information to the Vice President of Communications and the Vice President of Marketing to make sure program information is communicated to Chapter members and promoted in the community.
        • Communicate logistics requirements to the Vice President of Operations.
        • Introduce presenters and brief members about upcoming programs and activities.
        • Network with other New England Associations (other ATD New England area chapters, SHRM, etc.) and explore opportunities for conducting joint meetings.

        Plan and coordinate the set-up and execution of Chapter Events

        • Collaborate with VP Professional Development to ensure that event logistical requirements are set.
        • Prepare name tags for all attendees.
        • Manage the set-up of the registration table and ATDBC signage.
        • Oversee volunteers to assist with registration.
        • Print the participation registration roster or use web/mobile app roster and identify who has not yet paid.
        • Collect fees and keep track of who paid by cash, check and PayPal. Provide this information and fees collected to the VP Finance.
        • Set up Zoom meetings for virtual events.
        • Send a follow-up email to all event attendees indicating the availability of program materials as well as the date and location of the next event.
        • Generate post-event assessment surveys and distribute to event attendees.

        Build and Expand Partnerships with ATD National

        • Help connect chapter board members to ATD national resources.
        • Help board member network with counterparts at other ATD chapters.


        Vice President of Technology

        Lead Technology-based initiatives

        • Support board and chapter functions by providing web pages, publishing interface, surveys, discussions, webinars, online forms, eCommerce, and other features as appropriate.
        • Research, develop and facilitate the sourcing of new ideas and concepts for using technological innovation to deliver enhanced services to members.

        Manage the Chapter Website

        • When Chapter event planning is complete, create events in Wild Apricot and open registration to the public.
        • Add chapter events to the ATD Bay Colonies homepage and ensure all links are operational.
        • Maintain the Chapter Website and ensure that the information is current, accurate and complete.
        • Provide help in accessing and navigating website.
        • Act as point of contact and liaison with website host.
        • Make suggestions to the Board of Directors to enhance the effectiveness of the website.
        • Upload program materials to the Members Only section of the website.

        Manage Google and Zoom accounts for board members

        • Ensure Google accounts are created for new board members.
        • Maintain permissions & access for board members’ Google accounts.
        • Assign and maintain Zoom licenses.


        2024 | ATD Rhode Island  555 N. Main St #1128, Providence, RI 02904

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